ALEXANDRA (the year of birth is unknown - † December 26, 1364 in Moscow), Princess of Moscow and the Grand Princess of Vladimir, since 1345 the second wife of Ivan Ivanovich, the Prince of Moscow and the Grand Prince of Vladimir .


Alexandra was the second wife of the Grand Prince of Moscow Ivan Ivanovich the Fair. Her origin, as well as the year of birth, are unknown. A.P. Grigoriev proposed a version that Alexandra could come from the Horde [2, p. 118], however, V.A. Kuchkin strongly disagrees with it [3, p. 16, n. 48]. There is very little information about Alexandra that has been attested. She is mentioned in the spiritual letters of Ivan Ivanovich [I, p. 99; II, p. 118]. The Grand Prince handed over to her the volosts in Kolomna and Zvenigorod.

The marriage with Ivan Ivanovich was concluded in 1345 [III, p. 95] after Theodosia, the first wife of Prince died. Alexandra had two sons, Dmitri and Ivan, and at least two daughters [I, p. 100; II, p. 98; 3, p. 16]. Dmitri Ivanovich in the future wouldl become the Grand Prince of Moscow and Vladimir and wouldbe known in history as Dmitry Donskoy. Ivan, nicknamed Maly, would become the Zvenigorod prince.

Alexandra died during a plague epidemic in 1364. She was buried in the chapel of the Transfiguration Cathedral, built not long before, on the Bor of the Moscow Kremlin [1; 3, p. 85; 4, c. 90; 5, c. 21]. 


  • Ivan Ivanovich Maloy, Prince of Zvenigorod (1359-1364)
  • Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, Prince of Moscow (1359–1389) and the Grand Prince of Vladimir (1363–1389) [IV, p. 97, 102]
  • N (Anna) Ivanovna (?)* The daughter of Ivan Ivanovich, who in the future will be married to the grandson of the Lithuanian prince Gediminas, Dmitry Koriadovich, according to various versions, was born either in marriage with Theodosia [3, p. 16], or with Alexandra [6, p. 92].


Volosts in Kolomna: Pokhryane, Pesochna, Seredkorotna, Lystsevskoe village, Semtsinskoevillage; Volosts inZvenigorod: Ugozh, Yuriev, Klyapovskoevillage,Beltsinskoe village, New village [II, p. 97].


I. Kuchkin V.A. Izdanie zaveshchanii moskovskikh kniazei XIV v. Vtoraia dushevnaia gramota velikogo kniazia Ivana Ivanovicha // Drevniaia Rus'. Voprosy medievistiki. 2009. № 1 (35). S. 93–100. 

II. Kuchkin V.A. Izdanie zaveshchanii moskovskikh kniazei XIV v. Pervaia dushevnaia gramota velikogo kniazia Ivana Ivanovicha // Drevniaia Rus'. Voprosy medievistiki. 2008. № 4 (34). S. 97–101.

III. PSRL. T. XV. Rogozhskii letopisets. Tverskoi sbornik. M., 2000.

IV. PSRL. T. XVIII. Simeonovskaia letopis'. SPb., 1913.


1.      Voronov A.A. Spaso-Preobrazhenskii monastyr' na Boru // Monastyri Moskovskogo Kremlia. M., 2009.

2.      Grigor'ev A.P. Sbornik khanskikh iarlykov russkim mitropolitom. Istochnikovedcheskii analiz zolotoordynskikh dokumentov. SPb., 2004. 

3.      Kuchkin V.A. Moskovskie Riurikovichi (genealogiia, demografiia) // Istoricheskii vestnik, 2013, № 04 (151). S. 6–73.

4.      Panova T.D. Kremlevskie usypal'nitsy. Istoriia, sud'ba, taina. M., 2003. 

5.      Panova T.D. Nekropoli Moskovskogo kremlia. M., 2002.

6.      Ekzempliarskii A. V. Velikie i udel'nye kniaz'ia severnoi Rusi v tatarskii period s 1238 g. po 1505 g.: biograficheskie ocherki po pervoistochnikam i glavneishim posobiiam. T. 1. Velikie kniaz'ia Vladimirskie i Vladimiro-Moskovskie. SPb., 1889.