Publications deals with the project
Publications of the participants of the project «The Courts of Russian princesses in Old Rus’ and Western Europe in the System of Power Structures in Middle Ages and Early Modern Times» (XI–XVI centuries)»
- Durot E., Schwarcz I., Shishkin V.V. Poslanie Genrikha II Valua Ivanu IV Vasil'evichu [Searching for Allies: A Letter from Henry II de Valois to Ivan IV] // Quaestio Rossica. Vol. 7. 2019. № 3. P. 871–900.
- Koniavskaia E.L. Dannye o russkikh kniaginiakh v kniazheskikh zaveshchaniiakh i dogovornykh gramotakh XIV–XVI v. [Database about Russian Princesses in Testaments and Treaties of the XIVth – beginning of the XVIth centuries] // Drevniaia Rus'. Voprosy medievistiki [Old Russia. The Questions of Middle Ages]. 2020. № 3 (81). P. 180–184.
- Koniavskaia E.L. Old Russian princesses of the 11th–13th centuries: their possessions and role in the political and church life // Old Russia. The Questions of Middle Ages. № 3 (85). 2021. P. 7–15.
- Koniavskaia E.L. Velikaia kniaginia Kseniia i ee rol' v politicheskoi zhizni Tverskogo kniazhestva [Grand Princess Xenia and Her Role in the Political Life of the Principality of Tver] // Drevniaia Rus'. Voprosy medievistiki [Old Russia. The Questions of Middle Ages]. № 4 (78). 2019. P. 33–39.
- Koniavskaia E.L. Zaveshchanie velikoi kniagini Sof'i Vitovtovny (problemy publikatsii akty s utratami) [The Testament of the Grand Princess Sophia Vitovtovna (problems of publishing acts with losses)] // Rus', Rossiia: Srednevekov'e i Novoe vremia. Vypusk: Shestye chteniia pamiati akademika RAN L.V. Milova. Materialy k mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Moskva, 21–22 noiabria 2019 g. [Rus', Russia: the Middle Ages and the New Time. Issue: Sixth Readings in Memory of Academician L.V. Milov. Materials for the International Scientific Conference. 21-22 of November, 2019, Moscow]. Moscow, 2019. P. 59–64.
- Koniavskaia E.L. Zaveshchanie velikoi kniagini Sof'i Vitovtovny [The Testament of the Grand Princess Sophia Vitovtovna] // Drevniaia Rus'. Voprosy medievistiki [Old Russia. The Questions of Middle Ages]. № 1 (79). 2020. P. 169–174.
- Koniavskaia E.L. Zaveshchanie velikoi kniagini Sof'i Vitovtovny: utraty teksta i datirovka [The Testament of the Grand Princess Sophia Vitovtovna: losses of the text and dating] // Trudy Instituta Rossiiskoi istorii RAN [Works of the Institute of Russian History of Russian Academy of Sciences]. № 15. M., 2019. P. 11–20.
- Koniavskaia E.L. Tverskie kniagini i ikh rol' v semeinoi, obshchestvennoi i khoziaistvennoi zhizni [Tver princesses and their role in family, social and economic life] // Vestnik TvGU [Messenger of Tver' State University]. 2020. Seriia "Istoriia'. № 4 (56). S. 16–32
- Korzinin A.L., Belyaev L.A. Tombstone of eldress Anfisa Godunova in Smolensky catholicon funerary vault of Moscow Novodevichy convent // Old Russia. The Questions of Middle Ages. № 3 (85). 2021. P. 91–110.
- Korzinin A.L. "Diak inok' Kornilii Fedorov syn Kriukov i "pod'iachii' Nil Maikov: k biografii prepodobnykh Nila Sorskogo i Iosifa Volotskogo ["Clerk Monk" Korniliy Fyodorov son Kryukov and "Assistant of Clerk" Nil Maikov: to the Reconstruction of Biographies of Saints Nil Sorskiy and Joseph Volotskiy] // Drevniaia Rus': vo vremeni, v lichnostiakh, v ideiakh. Al'manakh [Ancient Russia: in time, in persons, in ideas. Almanac] № 1 (11). St. Petersburg, 2019. P. 112–124.
- Korzinin A.L. Dvor velikoi kniagini Marii Iaroslavny [The Retinue of the Grand Princess Maria Yaroslavna] // Vestnik SPbGU. Istoriia [Messenger of St. Petersburg State University. History]. Vol. 66. № 1. 2020. P. 19–48.
- Korzinin A.L. O rekonstruktsii korpusa istochnikov po istorii dvora russkikh velikikh kniagin' vo vtoroi polovine XV v. – nachale XVI v. [About the Reconstruction of the Base of Sources on the History of the Court of Russian Great Princesses in the second half of the XVth century – the beginning of the XVI century] // Kompleksnyi podkhod v izuchenii Drevnei Rusi. Sbornik materialov X Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii (9–13 sentiabria 2019 g., Moskva, Rossiia) [An integrated approach to the study of Ancient Russia. Collection of materials of the X International Scientific Conference (9-13 of September, 2019, Moscow, Russia)] / Ed. E.L. Koniavskaia. Moscow, 2019. P. 100–101.
- Korzinin A.L. Pechati moskovskikh velikikh kniagin' vtoroi poloviny XV v. [Seals of Moscow Grand Princesses of the second half of the 15th century] // Vspomogatel'nye istoricheskie distsipliny v sovremennom nauchnom znanii: Materialy XXXIII Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii [Auxiliary historical disciplines in modern scientific knowledge: Materials of the XXXIII International Scientific Conference] / Ed. I.G. Konovalova, E.V. Pchelov. Moscow, 2020. P. 223–226.
- Korzinin A.L. The path to power of the Saburovs and the Godunovs // Steps. Vol. 7. № 3. 2021. P. 287–311.
- Matasova T.A. Latin translation of the charter of Ivan III (1493) in Milan and Florence // Old Russia. The Questions of Middle Ages. № 2 (84). 2021. P. 41–51.
- Matasova T.A. Milanskii spisok moskovskoi gramoty 1493 g.: avtograf greka iz okruzheniia Sof'i Paleolog [The Milanese copy of Muscovite Chapter of 1493: the Autograph of the Greek from Sophia Palaiologina\’s Court] // Drevniaia Rus'. Voprosy medievistiki [Old Russia. The Questions of Middle Ages]. № 2 (80). 2020. P. 5–13.
- Matasova T.A. Prp. Kassian – grek iz okruzheniia Sof'i Paleolog i chudotvorets "ot Ittaliiskiia strany': K istorii tserkovnogo pochitaniia sviatogo v XVI–XIX vv. [Venerable Cassian – a Greek from the entourage of Sophia Palaeologus and a miracle worker "from the Ittalian country": On the history of the church veneration of the saint in the 16th–19th centuries. //] // Istoriia i kul'tura Rostovskii zemli. Materialy nauchnoi konferentsii [History and culture of the Rostov land. Conference materials]. 2019. Rostov, 2020. P. 43–51.
- Matasova T.A. Vliianie ili molchanie? Eshche raz o roli Sof'i Paleolog pri dvore Ivana III i stepeni ee uchastiia v privlechenii ital'ianskikh masterov v Moskvu [Influence or Silence? Once more on the role of Sophia Palaiologina in the court life of Ivan III and the question of her participation in the invitation of Italian masters to Moscow] // Istoricheskii vestnik [The Historical Reporter]. Issue 33. 2020. P. 298–315.
- Polekhov S.V., Squires C. Casus belli. Ivan the Third\’s Declaration of War to Aleksander Jagiellończyk // Slověne. 2021. Vol. 10. № 1. P. 262–295.
- Polechow S., Squires C. W przededniu Wiedroszy. List wypowiedni Iwana III do Aleksandra Jagiellończyka z 24 czerwca 1500 r. // Lituanistyka i wschodoznawstwo. Studia dedykowane Profesorowi Krzysztofowi Pietkiewiczowi / Red. G. Błaszczyk, G. Skrukwa, M. Studenna-Skrukwa, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Historii UAM, Poznań, 2020. S. 101–111.
- Poliakov I.A. Dokumenty tsarskikh i velikokniazheskikh svadeb iz biblioteki kniazei Romodanovskikh [The Documents of Tzar’s and Grand Prince’s Weddings from the Library of the Romodanovsky Princes] // Istoriya 2020. Elektronnyi nauchno-obrazovatel'nyi zhurnal. Issue 6 (92) [Electronic resource].
- Shishkin V.V. Anna Yaroslavna in the French Renaissance literature (the second half of the 15th –16th century): birth of Anna of Russia // Old Russia. The Questions of Middle Ages. № 3 (85). 2021. P. 60–74.
- Shishkin V.V. Gramoty Anny Iaroslavny, korolevy Frantsii (1051/55–1075) [Diplomas of Anna Yaroslavna, Queen of France (1051 / 55–1075)] // Srednie veka [Middle Ages]. Issue. 81 (3). Moscow: Nauka, 2020. P. 19–46.
- Shishkin V.V. …K Gospodariu nashemu pisal Frantsovskoi korol' o liubvi: Genrikh III de Valua i imperatory Moskovii […The French king wrote to our Sovereign about love: Henry III de Valois and the Emperors of Muscovy] // Quaestio Rossica. Vol. 8. 2020. № 3. P. 939–962.
- Shishkin V.V., Schwartz I. French crown and the Russian state in the XI–XVI centuries. SPb., 2021. 310 p.
- Shishkin V.V. The role of Queen Anna Yaroslavna in the formation of the ecclesiastical household of France' // Religiia. Tserkov'. Obshchestvo [Religion. Church. Society]. Issue. IX. 2020. P. 160–178.
- Shishkin V.V. Tserkovnoe okruzhenie Anny Iaroslavny, korolevy frankov (1051–1075) [Church entourage of Anna Yaroslavna, Queen of the Franks (1051–1075)] // Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriia Istoriia. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia [Messenger of Volgograd State University. Series History. Regional studies. International relationships]. 2020. T. 25. № 5. P. 6–19.