Anastasia Ivanovna is the only known sister of the Grand Prince of Ryazan Oleg Ivanovich. A record of her is contained in Oleg Ivanovich's letters patent, mentioning some information about her biography [I, no. 160, l. 6]. Anastasia's date of birth is unknown. Her origin, like that of Oleg Ivanovich, is controversial. N.M. Karamzin believed that Oleg Ivanovich and Anastasia were the children of Ivan Ivanovich, as stated in the annals [4, Ch. 8, 9]. However, this version is unlikely given the date of Anastasia's marriage. Her wedding with the Tatar Murza Solokhmir took place in 1372. Ivan Ivanovich died around 1343, respectively, Anastasia at the time of the wedding should have been at least 28 years old, the age for the Middle Ages highly respectable, but not appropriate for marriage. Therefore, the version about the origin of Anastasia from Ivan Alexandrovich of Ryazan is more likely [6, p. 581, n. 1867; p. 582, n. 1871].
Anastasia was married to Murza Solokhmir, who, shortly before marriage, converted to Orthodoxy under the name of Ivan Miroslavich [II, p. 282; III, 18-19; IV, p. 27, 31–32; V, p. 431; VI; 3, p. 109; 6, p. 585, n. 1879].
In marriage, they had at least one well-known son - Grigory Ivanovich (Salakhmirov), from whom such families as Apraksins, Shishkins, Verderevskys, etc. went. However, according to some other genealogical data, Anastasia could have three sons: Ivan, Grigory and Mikhail [5].
The date of Anastasia's death is unknown.
I. Zhalovannaia gramota Riazanskogo velikogo kniazia Olega Ivanovicha igumenu Solotchinskogo monastyria Feodoru na selishche Fedorkovo v Riazanskom kniazhestve // RGADA. F. 210. Op. 18. № 160. Spisok 1686 g. (Publikatsii: Akty istoricheskie. T. 1. SPb. 1841. № 13; Akty Iushkova M., 1898. № 2; Akty sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoi istorii Severo-Vostochnoi Rusi kontsa XIV – nachala XVI v. T. 3. M. 1964. № 324).
II. PSRL. T. I. Lavrent'evskaia letopis'. M., 1997.
III. PSRL. T. VII. Letopis' po Voskresenskomu spisku. M., 2001.
IV. PSRL. T. X. Letopisnyi sbornik, imenuemyi Patriarshei ili Nikonovskoi letopis'iu. M., 2000.
V. PSRL. T. XV. Rogozhskii letopisets. Tverskoi sbornik. M., 2000.
VI. Rospis' rodoslovnoi Apraksinykh // RGADA. F. 286. Op. 1. Kn. 241A. L. 177–181.
1. Vasilenko N.P. Oleg Ivanovich // Entsiklopedicheskii slovar'. T. XXI a. SPb, 1897.
2. Voitovich L. Kniazіvs'kі dinastії Skhіdnoї Єvropi (kіnets' IX–pochatok XVI st.): sklad, suspіl'na і polіtichna rol'. Іstoriko-genealogіchne doslіdzhennia. L'vіv, 2000.
3. Ilovaiskii D.I. Istoriia Riazanskogo kniazhestva. SPb., 1859.
4. Karamzin N.M. Istoriia gosudarstva Rossiiskogo. T. IV. Glava 8, 9. SPb.. 1918.
5. Chernopiatov V.I. Rod Kriukovykh. M., 1915.
6. Ekzempliarskii A.V. Velikie i udel'nye kniaz'ia severnoi Rusi v tatarskii period s 1238 g. po 1505 g.: biograficheskie ocherki po pervoistochnikam i glavneishim posobiiam. T. 2. Vladetel'nye kniaz'ia Vladimirskikh i Moskovskikh udelov i velikie i udel'nye vladetel'nye kniaz'ia Suzdal'sko-Nizhegorodskie, Tverskie. Riazanskie. SPb., 1891/