One of the daughters of Oleg of Ryazan is known from several sources, but only indirect information about her has been attested. The date of birth of the Ryazan princess is unknown. According to M.D. Khmyrov, around 1376 she was married to Dmitry Semenovich, Prince of Drutsk [4, No. 287, p. 21] *. In marriage, Anastasia had two sons. After the death of Dmitry Semenovich, Anastasia married the second time the son of the Lithuanian prince Algirdas, the prince of Novgorod-Seversky Koribut-Dmitry, for whom this marriage was also the second [I, No. 17, s. 16; 2, p. 64-65; 5, s. 308-311; 6, s. 178-179]. V. Voronin suggested that the widow of the Drutsk prince and the second wife of Dmitry-Koribut are not the same person: the other son of Algirdas, Dmitry, married an unknown princess named of Drutsk, and for Oleg Ivanovich's daughter Anastasia, the marriage with Koribut was the first and only [1, p. 3-30]. The last time Anastasia was mentioned in 1399 in connection with the death ofher son Andrei, who died in the battle at Vorksla [1, 3–30].
The date of Anastasia Olgovna's death is unknown.
*According to another version, her husband was Dmitry Vasilievich, Olgerd's vassal [3, p. 155].
I. Archiwum książąt Lubartowiczów Sanguszków. T. 1. Lwów, 1887.
1. Varonіn V. Drutskіia kniazі XIV stagoddzia // Belorusskі gіstarychny agliad. T. 9. Ssh. 1–2 (16–17). Snezhan' 2002. S. 3–30.
2. Nasevіch V. Karybutavіchy // Vialіkae Kniastva Lіtoўskae. Entsyklapedyia u 3 t. T. 2. Mn., 2005. S. 64–65.
3. Lavrent'ev A.V. Posle Kulikovskoi bitvy. Ocherki istorii Oksko-Donskogo regiona v poslednei chetverti XIV–pervoi chetverti XVI vv. M., 2012.
4. Khmyrov M.D. Alfavitno–spravochnyi perechen' udel'nykh kniazei russkikh i chlenov tsarstvuiushchego doma Romanovykh. Polovina pervaia. SPb., 1871.
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