ANNA KONSTANTINOVNA (years of birth and death are unknown), Princess of Moscow and Grand Princess of Vladimir, since 1297 wasthe first wife of Prince of Moscow and Grand Prince of Vladimir Yuri Daniilovich


  • Konstantin Borisovich Rostovsky, Prince of Rostov (1278-1288, 1294-1307) and Uglich (1288-1294)


  • the first wife of Konstantin Borisovich Rostovsky unknown by name


The sources record the only mention of this princess: in 1297 she was married to the son of Daniil Alexandrovich, Yuri Danilovich [I, cl. 484; 5, p. 128]. Apparently, the marriage was concluded when Yuri himself was at most 14 years old [2, p. 46]. Probably, his wife was of the same age or slightly younger. Such a hasty marriage of the eldest son, who had barely reached the age of majority, is explained by the intense struggle between the sons of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky, the middle Andrei Alexandrovich and the younger Daniil. For Daniil Alexandrovich, the search for allies was especially relevant, since Andrei was supported by Khan Toqta [1, p. 24-28]. Anna's father, Prince Konstantin Borisovich of Rostov, had also previously sided with Andrei and in the early 1280s took part in the Tatars' campaigns against Murom and Pereyaslavl [ibid.], supported by Daniil Alexandrovich. Apparently, Yuri's marriage was supposed to consolidate this union. It is known about one daughter of the prince, the wife of Konstantin Mikhailovich of Tver [II, cl. 41; 3, p. 10; 4, p. 128]. The fate of the princess is unknown. In 1317, Prince Yuri Danilovich remarried to Konchaka, the daughter of the Tatar Khan [6, p. 63]. It can be assumed that by 1317 Anna was no longer alive.


  • Sophia Yurievna, Princess of Tver, wife of Konstantin Mikhailovich of Tver [II, cl. 41]


I. Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisei. T. I. Lavrent'evskaia letopis'. M., 1997.

II. Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisei. T. XV. Rogozhskii letopisets. Tverskoi sbornik. M., 2000.


1.      Gorskii A.A. Moskva i Orda. M., 2000.

2.      Gorskii A.A. O dinasticheskikh sviaziakh pervykh moskovskikh kniazei // Drevniaia Rus'. Voprosy medievistiki. 2018. № 4 (74). S. 42–51.

3.      Kuchkin V.A. Moskovskie Riurikovichi (genealogiia, demografiia) // Istoricheskii vestnik, 2013. № 04 (151). S. 6–73.

4.      Kuchkin V.A. Rostovskaia sem'ia Anny Kashinskoi // Tverskie sviatye i sviatyni. Tver', 2010. S. 120–130.

5.      Nasonov A.N. Letopisnyi svod XV veka (po dvum spiskam) // Materialy po istorii SSSR. T. 2. M., 1955. S. 277–321.

6.        Ekzempliarskii A.V. Velikie i udel'nye kniaz'ia severnoi Rusi v tatarskii period s 1238 g. po 1505 g.: biograficheskie ocherki po pervoistochnikam i glavneishim posobiiam. T.1. Velikie kniaz'ia Vladimirskie i Vladimiro-Moskovskie. SPb., 1889.