The evidence about Anastasia is scarce. Some information can be taken from birch bark manuscript letters [5, p. 3-27; 10], as well as from the description of her wedding with the Novgorod prince Mstislav Yuryevich, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky [I, col. 482]. It is known that Anastasia was daughter of a prominent Novgorod boyar Pyotr Mikhalkovich [1, p. 366-379; 2, p. 66–76]. Her name and the name of her mother, Maria, appear in several birch bark manuscript letters [4, p. 313; 8, p. 380-381.].
In 1155 she married Mstislav [I, col. 482]. On occasion of the wedding, Pyotr Mikhalkovich ordered the icon “Zmanenie (Our Lady of the Sign)”, and also made a rich grant to the Cathedral of St. Sophia. He presented the so-called silver krater of master Kosta (Constantine), which is now one of the most important Novgorod artefacts [6, p. 355; 9, p. 7-14]. Marriage with a person from the local elite was not uncommon: Rurikids often entered into matrimonial alliances with influential families in order to strengthen their positions. However, it did not help Mstislav Yuryevich: in 1158 he was expelled by the Novgorodians, and in 1162, together with his mother and brothers, he exiled to Byzantium. A few years later, he received the Oksalan region from the emperor Manuel [7, p. 131] It is unknown whether Anastasia was with her husband at this time, but it was highly likely the case. Mstislav’s only, Yaroslav Krasny (the Red, the Fair), received later the title of Prince of Novgorod title from the Grand Prince of Vladimir Vsevolod the Big Nest; buy he was also expelled. We do not know anything about his further fate, as well as about that of Anastasia.
Икона «Знамение», чудотворная икона, изображающая Богоматерь с воздетыми руками (Оранта), бала заказана отцом Петром Михалковичем по случаю свадьбы Анастасии и Мстислава Юрьевича. Икона прославилась в связи с событиям 1170 г., когда помогла новгородцам нанести поражение войску Андрея Боголюбского.
Серебряный кратир (чаша для причащения) мастера Косты, был изготовлен по заказу ее отца Петра Михалковича. Содержит надпись «Сей сосуд Петра и жены его Марье», а также подпись мастера [3, p. 77–93]
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