The exact date of birth of the daughter of the Swedish king Inge Stenkilsson and Helena of Sweden is unknown, but her origin is indicated in the sources [I, p. 17; VI, c. 161; VII, p. 295; IX, p. 357; X, p. 176-185, etc.]. Presumably she was a little younger or the same age as her husband, Prince of Novgorod Mstislav (Harold) Vladimirovich [11, p. 328].
The filiation of Christina, as Mstislav's wife, is beyond doubt. This is evidenced by the numerous Scandinavian sagas that knew Mstislav well under the name of Harold (Harold) and call his first wife by name [V, p. 181; VI, c. 161; VII, p. 295; IX, p. 357; 2, p. 160-163]. This is also confirmed by the seals found in Novgorod with the image of St. Christina, the attribution of which was carried out by V.L. Yanin [18, p. 33]. The record that calls Christina's husband the powerful "King of Rus" Izyaslav is contained only in the "Genealogy of Danish Kings" by Abbot Wilhelm [X, p. 182-183] and is repeated in his Epistle to the Archbishop of Lund of 1194/1195, but is recognized as a mistake by the Norwegian author [12, p. 589-590]. Speaking about the origin of Christina, M.M. Shcherbatov was clearly mistaken, considering her an Ossetian-Alan [17, p.112]. M.V. Lomonosov, who established the identity of Mstislav's second wife, knew nothing about her [9, p. 61].
Unfortunately, nothing definite can be said about the timing of the marriage. For quite a long time, the date of the marriage of Mstislav-Harold and Christina in 1095 was taken for granted. This date first appeared in the "History of Rus" by V. N. Tatishchev [14, p. 104], however, it is not supported by data from sources [6, p. 255, n. 172]. The dating proposed by V.N. Tatishchev was accepted by some researchers [1, p. 1554; 20, Tabl. V; 21, Tabl. 21, etc.], even though the historian clearly confused the two spouses of Mstislav. He called Christina the daughter of a Novgorod mayor, while that was the second wife of the prince [3, p. 72, 11, p. 327; 12, p. 589]. The date of the marriage of Christina and Mstislav was subsequently pushed back to an earlier time. The basis for the new dating was not only the presumptive date of birth of the first child (according to historians, he was Vsevolod Mstislavich [12, p. 600; 13, pp. 65–78]; V.N. Tatishchev mistakenly considered the firstborn to be Izyaslav [14, p. 137-138]) but also the time of Mstislav's reign in Novgorod, where the prince was called twice [11, pp. 329-331]. Today, 1090-1093 or 1090/1091 - the beginning of 1096 [3, p. 73; 7, p. 66-74; 12, p. 607] are considered to be a possible interval when a marriage could be concluded .
Apparently, Christina lived with her husband in Novgorod, where thanks to her trade ties with Scandinavia were even stronger [11, p. 331]. The active development of contacts was also facilitated by the fact that Christina's sister Margarita Fredkulla, being the wife of the Danish king Nils (Nicholas), took an active part in organizing dynastic marriages of the daughters of Mstislav and Christina, Ingeborg and Malfed (Malmfred) [3, p. 75].
There is no evidence of Christina's acceptance of Orthodoxy. She probably retained the Catholic faith, which was for foreign princely wives in the 11th century still acceptable. An indirect confirmation of this fact is the appearance in Novgorod around the time of Mstislav's reign of the hermit monk Anthony, nicknamed the Roman, and the founding of a Catholic monastery on the banks of the Volkhov [III, p. 199; 11, p. 335]. A small episode described by V.L. Yanin testifies to the special position of the princess in Novgorod: once a slave disappeared from the princess, a Novgorod mayor was personally involved in the search for the girl [19, p. 212].
Interestingly that Christina is not mentioned in the description of Mstislav's miraculous healing after being fatally wounded while hunting, if we admit the reliability of this story (for more details see: 12, pp. 585-605]. By this time, Christina should have been Mstislav's wife. V. Nazarenko, however, does not see anything surprising in this: this episode, in principle, known only from the sermon of a certain Rupert from Deutz, telling about the miracles of St. Panteleimon, pays more attention to the pilgrimage of Gytha, Mstislav's mother, to the Holy Land; in addition, Christina probably at that time was very young.It is noteworthy that there is no description of the wound of Mstislav on the hunt neither in the Primary Chronical, nor in the Life of Mstislav the Great [I, n. on p. 48; 12, p. 608; 13, pp. 65–78.]
After 1117, when Mstislav was transferred by Monomakh to Belgorod, Christina remained in Novgorod with her eldest son Vsevolod [11, p. 336]. She did not become the Grand Princess of Kiev: Mstislav received the princely table after the death of his first wife. The date of Christina's death is also controversial among researchers. Information about her death is contained in several narrative sources: Ipatiev Chronicle [II, cl. 286], Laurentian Chronicle [III, cl. 292], as well as in the Khlebnikovsko-Ostrozhsky and Pogodinsko-Chetvertinsky vaults. In the narratives can be found different dates of Christina's death [for more details see: 3, pp. 73–74]. The date of the princess's death should be associated with the second wedding of Mstislav, the record of which is placed in the Ipatiev and First Novgorod Chronicles [II, stb. 286; IV; 3, c. 74]. Historians indicate the date of Christina's death either January 18, 1122 [1, p. 458; 3, c. 75; 5, c. 430; 20, tabl. V], or January 18, 1121 [4, p. 53], or January 17, 1121 [15, p. 16]. Another date of the princess's death on January 17, 1123 was proposed by S. V. Tsyb [16, p. 41-42]. The burial place of Christina is unknown. *
* T. Malgin suggested that the burial place of Christina is in Novgorod, but there is no data confirming this version [10, p. 150]
Sons [VI, p.161; VIII, p. 238 etc.]:**
** Data on the years of life of the children of Christina and Mstislav and their sequence are given according to D. Dombrovsky [3, p. 77-166]
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Internet Resources
4. Snorri Stuoluson. Krug zemnoi
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