DOBRAVA KONRADOVNA (DUBRAVKA) (the year of birth is unknown - † after 1269), Princess of Volyn, since 1246 the wife of Vasilka Romanovich, the Volyn prince


  • Konrad I, Prince of Masovia of the Piast dynasty


  • Agafia Svyatoslavna (Agafia Rurykowiczówna), Princess of Masovia, the daughter of Svyatoslav Igorevich


There is very little information about the daughter of Konrad I and Agafia Svyatoslavna. Filiation of Dobrava (Dubravka) on mother and father was proposed by D. Dombrovsky, based on indirect information from the Ipatiev Chronicle [10, s. 221-233]. According to D. Dombrovsky, Dobrava was the second wife of the Volyn prince Vasilko Romanovich, whose marriage took place around the middle of 1246 [3, p. 331]. Prior to this, the point of view of N. Baumgarten, who considered Vasilko's second wife to be Elena, the daughter of Leszek the Wight and Gremislava Ingvarevna, dominated in science [8, p. 44–45, Tab. X, No. 17]. O. Balzer also denied the possibility of marriage between Dobrava and Vasilko [7, s. 56]. The plurality of scientific versions regarding the personality of the princess is associated with scattered and conflicting information from sources.

Little is known about the marriages of Vasilko Romanovich: the first time he was married to an unnamed daughter of Yuri Vsevolodovich of Suzdal [III, cl. 346; IV, p. 116; 11, s. 83–86]. A number of researchers believe that Dobrava was just the daughter of Yuri Vsevolodovich and the first wife of Vasilko, but this point of view can be considered refuted by now [see: 6, p. 583; 11, s. 86–88, 91–98]. In 1246 Dobrava, apparently, was no longer alive, her marriage remained childless [3, p. 329-330]. A mention of a certain Vasilko's wife is contained in the letter of Pope Innocent IV of 1247 [I, p. 67. No. 76; 1, p. 128-129]. On the basis of the family ties indicated in the papal bull and comparing them with the family ties noted in the Ipatiev Chronicle, D. Dombrovsky determined that this was the daughter of Konrad I. This version, which contradicts the previously recognized versions of N. Baumgarten and O. Balzer, to one degree or another received recognition from some modern researchers [5, p. 254, n. 50; 9, p. 77–78, n. 341; 12, s. 88-90; 13, s. 218; 14, s. 69, etc.]. D. Donskoy, who did not accept the arguments of the Polish historian, adheres to a different opinion [4, p. 145]. L. Voytovich, openly disagreeing with D. Dombrovsky, nevertheless, believes that Elena, the daughter of Leszek the Wight, was the third (and not the second, as N. Baumgarten believed) wife of Vasilko Romanovich [2, p. 495]. The arguments of scientists here are based on the chronicle mention of the death of the princess in 1269 [II, cl. 863]. The chronicle calls Vasilko's wife Elena, which gave rise to various interpretations of all information related to Vasilko's wives. The first version is as follows: Dobrava adopted Orthodoxy and received a second, baptismal name, Elena. According to the second version, the chronicle refers to the third wife of Vasilko Romanovich, Elena, probably the daughter of Leszek the Wight. In this case, we can say that Dobrava's death occurred in the interval between 1248 (the birth of the youngest son Vladimir Vasilkovich) and 1269. Unfortunately, the information available in the sources is insufficient to clarify the data on the number of marriages of Vasilko Romanovich and, hence, to carry out an accurate filiation of all his wives.


* Filiation of Vladimir Vasilkovich by his mother is hypothetical


  • Vladimir Vasilkovich (1247 / 1248–10 December 1288), Prince of Vladimir-Volynsky (1269–1288) [3, p. 404, 406; 11, s. 180-186]
  • Olga Vasilkovna (1246/1247 – after December 11, 1288), the wife of Andrei Vsevolodovich, Prince of Chernigov


I. Poslanie Papy Innokentiia IV galitsko-volynskomu kniaziu 5 dekabria 1247 g. // Akty istoricheskie. T. 1. SPb., 1841.

II. Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisei (PSRL). T. II. Ipat'evskaia letopis'. M., 2001.

III. PSRL. T.XV. Tverskaia letopis'. M., 1965.

IV. PSRL. Gustynskaia letopis'. T. XL. SPb., 2003.


1.      Bol'shakova S.A. Papskie poslaniia galitskomu kniaziu kak istoricheskii istochnik // Drevneishie gosudarstva na territorii SSSR. Materialy i issledovaniia. M., 1975.

2.      Voitovich L.V. Kniazha doba na Rusi: portreti eliti. Bila Tserkva, 2006.

3.      Dombrovskii D. Genealogiia Mstislavichei. Pervye pokoleniia (do nachala XIV v.) / Per. s pol'skogo i vstup. slovo k rus. izd. K. Iu. Erusalimskogo, O.A. Ostapchuk. SPb., 2015.

4.      Donskoi D. Spravochnik po genealogii Riurikovichei. Ch. 1 (seredina IX– nachalo XIV vv.). Renn, 1991.

5.      Litvina A.F., Uspenskii F.B. Vybor imeni u russkikh kniazei v X–XVI vv. Dinasticheskaia istoriia skvoz' prizmu antroponimiki. M., 2006.

6.      Nazarenko A.V. Drevniaia Rus' na mezhdunarodnykh putiakh. Mezhdistsiplinarnye ocherki kul'turnykh, torgovykh, politicheskikh sviazei IX–XII vv. M., 2001.

7.      Balzer O. Genealogia Piastów, wyd. II. Kraków, 2005.

8.      Baumgarten N., de. Généalogies et mariages occidentaux des Ruricides Russes. Du X au XIII siècle. Roma, 1927.

9.      Chrzanowski M. Leszek Biały. Książę krakowski i sandomierski Princeps Poloniae (ok. 1184–23/24 listopada 1227). Krakow, 2013. 

10.   Dąbrowski D. Małżeństwa Wasylka Romanowicza: problem mazowieckiego pochodzenia drugiej żony // Europa środkowa i wschodnia w polityce Piastów, Toruń, 1997. S. 221–233.

11.   Dąbrowski D. Rodowód Romanowiczów książąt halicko-wołyńskich. Poznań-Wrocław, 2002.

12.   Jasiński K. Rodowód Piastów małopolskich i kujawskich. Poznań; Wrocław, 2001.

13.   Teterycz-Puzio A. Na rozstajnych drogach. Mazowsze a Małopolska w latach 1138-1313. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej w Słupsku, 2012.

14.   Zabłocki W. Książka Grzymisława Ingwarówna, księżna krakowsko-sandomierska. Kraków, 2012.


Internet Resources 

1.      Bol'shakova S.A. Papskie poslaniia galitskomu kniaziu kak istoricheskii istochnik // Drevneishie gosudarstva na territorii SSSR. Materialy i issledovaniia. M., 1975.

2.      Maiorov A.V. Poslaniia rimskogo papy Innokentiia IV k Daniilu Galitskomu materialy dlia istoriko-arkheograficheskogo kommentariia // ROSSICA ANTIQUA. 2015. № 1

3.      Dąbrowski D. Małżeństwa Wasylka Romanowicza: problem mazowieckiego pochodzenia drugiej żony // Europa środkowa i wschodnia w polityce Piastów, Toruń, 1997. S. 221–233.