The origin of Elena, the first wife of the Moscow prince Ivan I Danilovich Kalita, is unknown. The opinion that she was the daughter of Prince Alexander Glebovich of Smolensk and the granddaughter of Gleb Rostislavich of Smolensk was expressed [1, p. 56]. However, it is impossible to establish for certain the origin of Elena from the Smolensk princes. The dates of her birth and wedding with Ivan Danilovich are also unknown. Since the birth of the first-born of Elena and Ivan, Semyon the Proud, refers to 1318, it can be argued that the wedding took place before or in 1317 [III, p. 88-90; 2, p. 351; 5, p. 12-13]. In the marriage, the princess had four sons, two of whom, Semyon and Ivan, would later become princes of Moscow and the Grand Princes of Vladimir, as well as four daughters. Princess Elena died on March 1, 1331/1332 in Moscow. Before her death she was tonsured under the name of Solomonida [II, cl. 46; 3; 4, p. 95-108]. She was buried in the Transfiguration Cathedral on Bor in the Moscow Kremlin, but the grave has not survived [6, p. 20]. Her name is mentioned in the spiritualcharter of Ivan Kalita, who bequeathed gold jewelry to his daughter Theotinia (Fetinia) from his first wife Elena [I, p. 8; 4, p. 106].
Her jewelry made of gold is mentioned: a necklace, 14 bracelets, a monista [I, p. 10].
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III. PSRL. T. XVIII. Simeonovskaia letopis'. M., 2007
IV. Redkie istochniki po istorii Rossii. Vyp. 2. M., 1977.
1. Averyanov K.A. Moscow principality of Ivan Kalita (Accession of Kolomna. Acquisition of Mozhaisk). M., 1994.
2. Berezhkov N.G. Chronology of Russian annals. M., 1963.
3. Voronov A.A. Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery on Bor // Monasteries of the Moscow Kremlin. M., 2009.
4. Kuchkin V.A. The testament of Ivan Kalita // Ancient Russia. Questions of medieval studies. No. 1 (31). 2008.S. 95–108.
5. Kuchkin V.A. Moscow Rurikovichs (genealogy, demography) // Historical Bulletin. 2013. No. 4 (151). S. 6–73.
6. Panova T.D. Necropolises of the Moscow Kremlin. M., 2003.
7. A. V. copy Great and appanage princes of northern Russia in the Tatar period from 1238 to 1505: biographical sketches from primary sources and major manuals. T. 1. The Grand Dukes of Vladimir and Vladimir-Moscow. SPb., 1889.