The origin of the "Grand Princess Romanova" (as the second wife of Roman Mstislavich is called in the Halich-Volyn Chronicle [II, stb. 726, 727, 733–734, 735]), has not been reliably established yet. Despite the fact that the princess played a major role in the formation of the Halich-Volyn principality, little information about her has survived. Based on the fact that her grandson Mstislav Danilovich founded the Church of Saints Jokim and Anna on her grave, a number of researchers believe that the monastic or baptismal name of the princess might be Anna [2; 3, c. 141-142; 4, c. 238, 242, 260-262; 5, c. 61-68, 106; 7, c. 161; eight; 11, c. 132; 12, c. 38; 24, Tabl. XI; 27, Tabl. 27; 23, s. 32; 21, Tabl. 93]. Others believe that after the tonsure the wife of Roman Mstislavich bore the name Maria. It is precisely by this name that the eldest daughter of Isaac II Angela and the sister of Queen Irina, the wife of Philip of Swabia (which a number of researchers identify with Princess Romanova) is mentioned in the synodikon of the Cathedral in Speyer [IV, p. 317-327; 6, p. 264; 17, p. 42].
There are several points of view regarding the origin of the princess. According to the first version, the princess might come from the Volyn boyars, in particular from a Miroslav called in the chronicles "uncle" of Daniil Romanovich [3, p. 141-142; 8; 14, p. 95-97; 11, p. 195]. Another version belongs to O. Tolochko, he believed the princess to be a commoner and refused her legal marriage with the Halich prince [13, p. 99]. M. Chubaty considered Princess Romanova to be the daughter or granddaughter of Svyatoslav or Ingvar Mstislavich, who were Roman's brothers. As L.V. Voytovich notes, such a gross violation of the rules of kinship during marriage could only be justified by an exceptional political necessity. In case of Roman Mstislavich there was no need for it, moreover, such a marriage with his own niece, taking into account the political situation, would be totally meaningless [2, p. 48].
Acording to the the next version the princess's clan might be derived from Byzantium. However, there is no unity among the researchers who recognize the Byzantine origin of the "Grand Princess Romanova". I. Gralya and E. Dombrovskaya believe that the wife of Roman Mstislavich was Maria from the Kamateros family, a relative of Euphrosynia, the wife of Emperor Alexei III [16, s. 7; 20, s. 115-127]. The main argument in favor of this version is that the Patriarch of Constantinople John X Kamateros could have contributed to the termination of the alliance of Halich-Volyn Rus with the Polovtsy, concluded through Roman's first marriage with Predslava Rurikovna, daughter of the Kiev prince Rurik Rostislavich. The policy of Roman's son Daniil Romanovich, aimed at rapprochement with Rome and supported by the princess, can also be an indirect confirmation of some kindred ties between Daniil and the Kamateros, among whom there were many supporters of church union. These arguments, however, do not agree well with the position of the Hungarian king András II, who, despite the long-term claims of his predecessors to the Halich lands, provided active assistance to the widow of Roman Mstislavich and her young children in the struggle for the Halich throne. Such selfless help bypassing one's own political interests could only be explained by close family ties, mainly on the maternal side, which doed not agree with the origin of Roman's wife from the Kamateros.
Perhaps the most reasoned version of the origin of the Grand Princess supported by the majority of both Russian and Western researchers is that the wife of Roman Mstislavich was the daughter of the Byzantine emperor Isaac II Angel [2, p. 48-50; 6, c. 265-266; 9, c. 84; 26, 34-40; 20, c. 115-127]. The supporters of this version cite the strengthened ties between Byzantium and Halich Rus (in particular, the visit of Roman's ambassadors to Constantinople in 1200 [III, pp. 78–79] and the visit to Halich of Emperor Alexei III after the capture of Constantinople by the crusaders, as well as the pesence of Greek names among the descendants of Roman and his second wife, including the rare for the Rurikovichs name Euphrosynia, which was borne by one of the Angelos's daughters [IV, p. 323; 2, p. 55; 16, s. 38–40; 20, s. 123], and the fact that the Hungarian king András II and the Polish prince Leszek the White recognized their kinship with Roman's wife [II, stb. 719, 717, 727–728], which was possible only if the princess had Byzantine roots [2, p. 46– 47] An indirect confirmation of the princess's Byzantine origin may be the fact that after the death of Roman Mstislavich, the Rurikovichs did not help his widow and young children, not counting them as their relatives [ibid.] However, even if we recognize the princess's origin from the Byzantine Emperor Isaac II Angelos, the question about her mother remains open: was she the first wife of the Angelos from the Palaeologus clan [1, p. 9-11; 15, p. 23. Tabl. V. Nr. 47] or his second wife, daughter of the Hungarian king Béla III Margaret – Maria of Hungary [2, p. 51; 6, c. 265]? Maternal filiation is important both for determining the approximate date of birth of the princess, and for restoring her biography before the wedding. In particular, it is known that one of the eldest daughters of Isaac II from his first marriage before her wedding was sent to the so-called Ioannitsky house, specially converted for this occasion into a nunnery [I, p. 85]. This fact, according to A.V. Mayorov, does not contradict the subsequent wedding of the princess and the Russian prince Roman Mstislavich, since in Byzantine history there was the practice of temporary placement in monastic houses for the sake of safety.
Adhering to the version that Euphrosynia was the daughter of Isaac from Mary of Hungary, L.V. Voytovich, on the basis of indirect data, calculates the approximate date of birth of the princess to be 1187 [2, p. 51]. However, D. Dombrowsky names 1185 [6, p. 265]. Both researchers base their calculations on the date of birth of the firstborn son of Euphrosynia Daniil, and, accordingly, on her wedding with Roman (in 1200 or 1199) [ibid.]. A.V. Mayorov refutes this version based on the information about the wedding of Isaac Angelos of Niketas Choniates, as well as the point of view that Euphrosynia was related Mary of Hungary.
The date of birth of Daniil Romanovich of Halich, the future King of Russia, is known to be no later than 1201 [6, p. 300]. The second son Vasilko was born two or three years later. It is known that at the time of the death of Roman Mstislavich in 1205, both of his sons were still minors, and Euphrosynia, relying on the support of András II, became regent. She was recognized by Hungary, Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as the ruler of Halich-Volyn Rus, the princess even entered into an alliance agreement with them (1219). However, there were significantly fewer supporters of the princess than opponents, both inside the Halich-Volyn state and outside it. The Hungarian garrison of András II stationed in Halich was able to repulse the attack of Rurik Rostislavich, however, in 1206 on the eve of preparations for a new campaign, Euphrosynia left with her children to Vladimir Volynsky. After the throne of Halich passed to the Igorevichs, the princess fled to Poland to Leszek the White in 1207. With the help of András II and Leszek the White, Euphrosynia managed to assure reign for Vasilko in Brest, and then - though not for long - in Belz. In 1211 the Igorevichs were expelled, and the still underage Daniil Romanovich was established for reign in Halich. Apparently, Euphrosynia tried to act as regent of the young prince against the wishes of the local boyars [II, stb. 727; 21, p. 38]. Less than a year after Daniil's reign, she left for Hungary alone, while Daniil stayed in Halich. The political struggle for Halich, as well as the confrontation between the former allies András II and Leszek the White led to the fact that in the next few years Euphrosynia was forced to live at European courts. With the help of Leszek the White, who organized another campaign to Halich, Tikhoml, Peremil and a little later with Vladimir Volynsky were added to the possessions of the Romanovichs in Volyn [12, p. 38].
After Daniil came of age, Euphrosynia became a nun [II, stb. 733-734], (possibly in a monastery in the Stolp, not far from the Holm). Nevertheless, she retained her influence over her son and took part in state affairs. At least, there is evidence that she received the Lithuanian embassy, settled issues of war and peace, and helped Daniil Romanovich with relations with the Pope [II, stb. 827]. The last reliable mention of the princess in the sources was in 1253. According to the chronicle, it was under the influence of his mother that Daniil Romanovich agreed to accept the crown from the hands of the Pope significantly strengthening his political status in the international arena.
Princess boyars Vyacheslav Tolsty, Miroslav, Demyan.
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