Evdokia was one of the daughters of the Moscow prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita and his first wife Elena, of unknown origin. Information about Evdokia is contained in the Novgorod First Chronicle of the earlier edition and the Sophia`s First Chronicle of the senior edition, calling Kalita the father-in-law of the Yaroslavl prince Vasily Davydovich [I, p. 305; II, cl. 410; 1, p. 351; 2, p. 13]. 1328 is sometimes indicated as the date of the marriage of Evdokia and Vasily Davydovich, but A. V. Expliarskiy established that this date is erroneous [3, p. 87, n. 269]. In any case, the marriage was concluded before 1339. It is under this year that Kalita is mentioned as the father-in-law of the Yaroslavl prince. Apparently, the marriage itself had political goals: Ivan Danilovich consistently strengthened Moscow's influence, subordinating or eliminating other candidates for leadership. However, in this case the relationship between the father-in-law and the son-in-law clearly did not work out. The marriage to Evdokia not only did not contribute to the emergence of an alliance between the Moscow and Yaroslavl princes, but also exacerbated the confrontation. Relying on the support of the khans, Kalita in the aforementioned 1339 with a troop of 500 people attacked Vasily Davydovich on the road to the Horde. Probably, Kalita thus sought to prevent the alliance of Vasily Davydovich with the Tver prince Alexander Mikhailovich, whose joint actions in the Horde, according to A.V. Eksemplyarsky, could significantly complicate the position of Kalita. After the death of Ivan Danilovich in 1340, Vasily Davydovich made an unsuccessful attempt to get the grand princal table.
The only direct mention of Evdokia in the sources is the news of her death in 1342 [III, p. 94]. In a marriage with Vasily she had three sons. Vasily Davydovich himself outlived his wife by only three years and died in 1345.
I. PSRL. T. III. Novgorodskaia pervaia letopis' starshego i mladshego izvodov. M., 2000.
II. PSRL. T. VI. Vyp. 1. Sofiiskaia pervaia letopis' starshego izvoda. M., 2000.
III. PSRL. T. XVIII. Simeonovskaia letopis'. M., 2007.
1. Berezhkov N.G. Khronologiia russkogo letopisaniia. M., 1963.
2. Kuchkin V.A. Moskovskie Riurikovichi (genealogiia, demografiia) // Istoricheskii vestnik. 2013. № 04 (151). S. 6–73.
3. Ekzempliarskii A.V. Velikie i udel'nye kniaz'ia severnoi Rusi v tatarskii period s 1238 g. po 1505 g.: biograficheskie ocherki po pervoistochnikam i glavneishim posobiiam. T. 2. Vladetel'nye kniaz'ia Vladimirskikh i Moskovskikh udelov i velikie i udel'nye vladetel'nye kniaz'ia Suzdal'sko-Nizhegorodskie, Tverskie. Riazanskie. SPb., 1891.