The second wife of the Moscow prince Yuri Danilovich was the daughter of Khan Toghrilcha and the sister of Khan Öz Beg [3, p. 12; 4, p. 453]. There is no information about the date of her birth. Her marriage was concluded in 1317 as a result of the trip of Prince Yuri to the Golden Horde [VI, cl. 37–38; 3, p. 12]. In the midst of a fierce civil strife that was going on between the princes at that time, such a marriage provided Yuri with a shortcut to the great reign of Vladimir and the support of the khan in the fight against Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tver. Yuri left for the Horde reluctantly, at the call of the khan, who was probably turned against the Moscow prince Mikhail Yaroslavich, who had previously been in the Horde on a visit. Two years later, Yuri Danilovich returned as a relative of the Khan, together with the Tatar army under the leadership of Kavgady [5, p. 63]. In Rus Konchaka adopted Orthodoxy under the name Agafia.
However, the support of the khan did not end the confrontation. Not daring to fight, Mikhail of Tver recognized the grand princal label for Yuri and returned to Tver, Yuri occupied Kostroma. However, some time later, Yuri, together with the army of Kavgady, moved to Tver and was defeated by Mikhail in the battle at Bortenevo on December 22, 1318. As a result of this battle, Konchaka was captured by the Tver prince along with Yuri's brother. Kavgady concluded a truce with Mikhail, and Yuri was forced to look for new allies. He appealed for support to the Novgorod, who also sought to prevent the strengthening of Mikhail. The matter did not come to a new battle: the princes concluded an armistice and had to go to the Horde to be tried by the khan. Mikhail pledged to release the prisoners (the wife and brother of Yuri), but Konchaka, as the chronicles report, suddenly died in Tver. Probably, she was poisoned, although, as noted by A. V. Eksemplyarsky, the death of the princess was unprofitable for Mikhail [5, p. 69]. Mikhail was executed by Öz Beg in the Horde in 1318. In 1319 Konchaka's body was transported from Tver to Rostov and buried there in the Assumption Cathedral [I, cl. 229; II, cl. 72; III, cl. 49; IV, cl. 207, 210-211, 231-215; V, 188, 182, 195-197].
There is a theory thatthe appearance of one of the main relics of Ancient Russia, the Cap of Monomakh, in Russia is associated with Konchaka. A number of researchers believe that it was originally a female skullcap that belonged to the sister of KhanÖz Beg. After the death of Yuri Daniilovich, the cap passed to his brother Ivan Kalitaalong with other household items [1, p. 151; 2, p. 22-26].
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