The year of birth of Maria Yaroslavna is unknown. She was the daughter of the last Vitebsk prince Yaroslav Vasilkovich.
In 1317 Maria was married to the Lithuanian prince Algirdas. They had six children in the marriage. According to the data cited by Z. Ivinzkiz, the children of Maria and Algirdas were baptized into Orthodoxy [2, p. 259]. After Algirdas's death, Maria's sons participated in the struggle for power against their half-brothers - Algirdas's children from the second wife Juliania (Ulyana) of Tver, but were defeated. There is little information about the princess`s future life. It is known that after the death of Yaroslav Vasilkovich's father, Vitebsk and its suburbs passed to Algirdas as his son-in-law [2, p. 239; 3, p. 84].
The exact date of the death of Maria Yaroslavna is unknown. She presumably died before 1346.
I. PSRL. T. 32. Khroniki: Litovskaia i Zhmoitskaia, i Bykhovtsa. Letopisi: Barkulabovskaia, Averki i Pantsyrnogo. M.,1975.
II. PSRL. T. 38. Radzivillovskaia letopis'. M.,1989.
1. Voitovich L. V. Kniazіvs'kі dinastії Skhіdnoї Єvropi (kіnets' IX – pochatok XVI st.): sklad, suspіl'na і polіtichna rol'. Іstoriko-genealogіchne doslіdzhennia. L'vіv, 2000.
2. Ivinskis Z. Lietuvos istorija iki Vytauto Didžiojo mirties. Rome, 1978.
3. Rowell S.C. Lithuania Ascending: A Pagan Empire Within East-Central Europe, 1295–1345 // Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series. Cambridge University Press, 1994.