There is little information about Predslava. She was the daughter of Svyatopolk Izyaslavich from his first marriage [2, p. 565]. The exact date of birth is unknown, but she was born no earlier than 1094, when her father Svyatopolk married a second time. In the annals there is a record of her wedding with Duke Almos, the son of King Geza I of Hungary, in 1104 [II, cl. 280, III, cl. 256; 2, p. 562] Most likely, Predslava left Russia and was drawn into the struggle for the throne between Almos and his brother, King Kalman I. It can be assumed that the marriage with the Rus princess was concluded in order to enlist the support of Kiev in this struggle. However, despite this and the support of the Polish king Boleslaw III Wrymouth, Almos failed to seize the Hungarian throne [1, p. 354]. After an unsuccessful uprising in 1107/08, he went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, then to Germany to enlist the support of the German princes. Whether Predslava accompanied him on these journeys is not established, but the birth of her son Bela dates to 1108 according to the chronicles [I, p. 354]. Is attested information about three children of Predslava and Almos: one son and two daughters, Adleta and Hedwig (Sophia).
In 1115 Kalman I uncovered another conspiracy of Almos. Almos and his son Bela (future king Bela II) were blinded and placed in a monastery [I, p. 365].
The further fate of Predslava is unknown. After the death of Kalman, Almos fled to Byzantium, where he soon died, and his son Bela in 1131 became King of Hungary.
I. Vengerskii khronikal'nyi svod // Drevniaia Rus' v svete zarubezhnykh istochnikov: Khrestomatiia / Pod red. T.N. Dzhakson, I.G. Konovalovoi, A.V. Podosinova. T. 4. Zapadnoevropeiskie istochniki / Sost., per. i komment. A.V. Nazarenko. M., 2010. S. 353–373.
II. Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisei (PSRL). T. 1. Lavrent'evskaia letopis'. M., 2001.
III. PSRL. T. 2. Ipat'evskaia letopis'. M., 2001.
1. Kontler L. Istoriia Vengrii. Tysiacheletie v tsentre Evropy. M., 2002.
2. Nazarenko A.V. Drevniaia Rus' na mezhdunarodnykh putiakh. Mezhdisitsiplinarnye ocherki kul'turnykh, torgovykh, politicheskikh sviazei IX–XII vekov. M., 2001.
3. Nazarenko A.V. "Zelo nepodobno pravovernym' (Mezhkonfessional'nye braki na Rusi v XI–XII vv.) // Vestnik istorii, literatury, iskusstva: al'manakh. T. 1. M., 2005.
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