Very little information about Premislava was attested. The annals contain a mention of the fact that the cousin of the King of Hungary, Duke Ladislaus Sar, was married to a Rus princess [I, cl. 407-408]. Researchers suggest that she was the daughter of Vladimir and Rogneda Premislava [1, p. 94; 2, c. 50; 6, p. 354; 8, p. 311-315; 9, p. 101-105]. There is no reliable information about her marriage to Ladislaus and their common offspring [II, p. 356, n. 22]. Earlier it was believed that Premislava and Ladislaus were the parents of the future Hungarian princes Andras I and Bela I, as well as their brother Levente [II, p. 356; 4, p. 378]. But later this version was refuted [5, p. 66; 3, p. 29; 7, p. 23]
I. Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisei. T. II. Ipat'evskaia letopis'. M., 2001.
II. Vengerskii khronikal'nyi svod // Drevniaia Rus' v svete zarubezhnykh istochnikov: Khrestomatiia / Pod red. T.N. Dzhakson, I.G. Konovalovoi, A.V. Podosinova. T. 4. Zapadnoevropeiskie istochniki / Sost., per. i komment. A.V. Nazarenko. M., 2010. S. 353–373.
1. Grot K.Ia. Iz istorii Ugrii i slavianstva v XII v. Varshava, 1889.
2. Pashuto V.T. Vneshniaia politika Drevnei Rusi. M., 1968.
3. Engel P. The Realm of St Stephen: A History of Medieval Hungary, 895–1526. NY, 2001.
4. Györffy G. István király és műve. Balassi Kiadó, 2000.
5. Kristó G., Makk, F.Az Árpád-ház uralkodói. I.P.C. Könyvek, 1996.
6. Pauleri G. A magyar nemzet tortenete az Arpadhazi kiralyok alatt, I. k. Budapest, 1899.
7. Steinhübel J. The Duchy of Nitra // Slovakia in History / Teich, Mikuláš; Kováč, Dušan; Brown, Martin D. London, 2011. P. 15–29.
8. Wertner М. Az Arpadok csaladi tortenete. Nagybecskerek, 1892.
9. Wertneri M. Glossen zur Genealogie der Arpaden. Berlin, 1887.
Internet Resources
2. The Hungarian illuminated chronicle: Chronica de gestis Hungarorum [Текст]