The marriage of Vasilisa's parents, apparently, was concluded to put an end to the confrontation between Moscow and Ryazan. Dmitry Donskoy's daughter Sophia was married to Fyodor Olgovich, at that time still a prince`son, the son of the Ryazan prince Oleg Ivanovich [IV, 51; V, 151; VI]. Thus, Vasilisa, who was born around 1387, was the granddaughter of Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. Information about her, as well as about her husband, is very scarce.
In 1401 she was married to Ivan Vladimirovich, the son of Vladimir Andreevich the Bold, Prince of Serpukhov [II, p. 454; III, cl. 8; VII, p. 138; VIII, p. 231; 1, p. 26; 4, p. 305]. In marriage they had one child known to sources - daughter Maria, mentioned in Elena Olgerdovna's will [I, no. 28, p. 72; V, p. 125; 1, p. 26]. In the will of Vladimir the Bold his son Ivan is indicated as childless [I, no. 17, p. 33–37]; it can be assumed that the child in the family of Vasilisa and Ivan appeared after 1402.
Ivan Vladimirovich died on October 7, 1422 [2, p. 155], he was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin [1, p. 26; 3, p. 23]. The date of Vasilisa's death, as well as her fate, are unknown. If she outlived her husband, then presumably after his death she became the owner of the estates left to him by Vladimir the Bold, since the terms of the will provided for the transfer of land to the sons, and then to their wives. However, it is impossible to establish it precisely.
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