Anastasia's year of birth is unknown. The name of her father, Andrei Dmitrievich, can berarely found in sources. It is known that he supported his nephew, Vasily Vasilievich, during the internecine struggle of 1425-1452, was one of the leaders of the defense of Moscow during the invasion of Emir Edigey and is considered the ancestor of the Mozhaisk princes. Andrei Dmitrievich married his only daughter to the Tver prince Boris Alexandrovich, known for his delicate diplomacy. During the years of civil strife, Boris Alexandrovich skillfully maintained equal relations with all participants in the protracted struggle for power, strengthening the position of his own principality [I; 3, p. 279-296; 4; 6, p. 88]. For some time he hid Vasily II with Sophia Vitovtovna and Maria Yaroslavna [III, p. 148], and after the defeat in 1435, the son of Yuri Zvenigorodsky, Vasily the Squint, fled to Kashin [III, p. 149; V, p. 99; 7, p. 508]. In the Novgorod chronicles and in the Moscow annals, a theory that Boris Alexandrovich could have been involved in the blinding of Vasily II in 1446is suggested, but this is hardly the case [V, p. 196; VI, p. 264 etc.; 5, p. 38].A.V. Eksemplyarsky drew attention to the fact that the position of the Tver prince at that time was very strong and there was no need to seek an alliance with Shemyaka [7, p. 509]. A similar opinion was expressed by V. S. Borzakovsky and E. Klug [1, p. 196; 2, p. 296; on the politics of Boris Alexandrovich see: 2, p. 281-316].
The marriage of Boris Alexandrovich with the granddaughter of Dmitry Donskoy can be understood through described events, as well as his matrimonial policy towards his daughter, Maria, who was born to a princely couple around 1438. In the 1440s Boris Alexandrovich finally went over to the side of Vasily Vasilyevich. In the same 1446 he received the exiled Moscow prince in Tver and betrothed his daughter, who at that time was unlikely to have reached the age of ten, with the seven-year-old son of Vasily the Dark, Ivan Vasilyevich, the future Ivan III [II, p. 146; III, p. 176-177; IV, p. 493].
Boris also maintained ties with Lithuania, although his relations with the Lithuanian princes developed in different ways. In 1448, Anastasia probably accompanied her husband on his trip to Rzhev,given by Vasily Vasilyevich to Boris for his support, located at the intersection of the borders of the Moscow, Tver and Lithuanian principalities [III, p. 178; IV, p. 493; 2, p. 304; 7, p. 510]. At this time, the city was attacked by the Lithuanian prince Cazimir, and Anastasia, together with Boris, hid in Opoka.
Unfortunately, no futher information about Anastasia has been attested. It is known that she died on February 12, 1451 [III, p. 277].
In the second year after her death, Boris Alexandrovich remarried the daughter of the Suzdal prince Alexander Glazaty, Anastasia Alexandrovna.
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7. Ekzempliarskii A.V. Velikie i udel'nye kniaz'ia severnoi Rusi v tatarskii period s 1238 g. po 1505 g.: biograficheskie ocherki po pervoistochnikam i glavneishim posobiiam. T. 2. Vladetel'nye kniaz'ia Vladimirskikh i Moskovskikh udelov i velikie i udel'nye vladetel'nye kniaz'ia Suzdal'sko-Nizhegorodskie, Tverskie. Riazanskie. SPb., 1891/
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Koniavskaia E.L. Ocherki po istorii tverskoi literatury XIV–XV v. M, 2007.