About Theodosia, one of the youngest daughters of Ivan Danilovich Kalita and his second wife, quite a lot of scattered information has been preserved. The exact year of her birth is unknown, approximately - between 1332 and 1340, from the moment of the conclusion of Kalita's second marriage until his death. Probably, Theodosia was younger than her sister Maria, who was born in the same marriage, and, accordingly, the youngest of all the children of the Moscow prince, since in the will of Ivan Danilovich she is mentioned last [II, no. 4, p. 16, 19]. It can be assumed that she was born in the mid-1330s and after the death of Kalita remained under the care of her mother [1, p. 159-160].
The name of Theodosia in historical science is associated with a discussion devoted to the kinship of the Moscow and Belozersk princes through the daughter of Ivan Danilovich, the wife of Prince of Belozersk Fyodor Romanovich Theodosia, mentioned in various sources, including the will of Dmitry Donskoy and the genealogy of the legend of the Monastyrevs patrimonialists [2, p. 23–38]. Also in the will of Ivan the Fair, the daughter of Kalita and Ulyana, who is not named, is mentioned [6, p. 271-272].
A.I. Kopanev wrote about the identity of the women with the same name mentioned in the sources, and believed that the marriage of the Belozersk prince with Kalita's daughter led to the subordination of Beloozero to the Moscow princes [4]. The conclusions of A.I. Kopanev were subsequently corrected by A.V. Kuchkin, who believes that Beloozero became part of the estates of the Moscow prince before the aforementioned marriage [6, p. 271-272]. However, AV Kuzmin proved the later origin of the Monastyrevs' legend genealogy [5, p. 69-71].
The marriage between Theodosia and Fyodor Romanovich was roughly concluded in the late 1340s - early 1350s. within the framework of the formation of a political union of the Belozersk princes with Moscow [2, p. 23–38]. In this marriage, at least one child known to sources, Ivan, was born.
In 1380, Fyodor Romanovich, together with his son, took part in the Battle of Kulikovo, where both died. Probably, Theodosia remained the heiress of the estates, which she later bequeathed to her nephew Dmitry Donskoy and his wife Evdokia.
The exact date of the princess's death is unknown. Based on indirect data, it can be assumed that Theodosia died between 1389 and 1407.
I. Akty sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoi istorii Severo-Vostochnoi Rusi kontsa XIV – nachala XVI vv. T. 2. M., 1958.
II. Dukhovnye i dogovornye gramoty velikikh i udel'nykh kniazei XIV–XVI vv. / Podg. k pechati L.V. Cherepnin. M.; L., 1950.
III. PSRL. T. XVIII. Simeonovskaia letopis'. M., 2007
1. Griaznov A.L. Zhenskaia dolia v rodovykh votchinakh Belozerskikh kniazei // Istoriia i kul'tura Rostovskoi zemli. 2018. Rostov, 2019. S. 152–160.
2. Griaznov A.L. Kniaginia Fedorova Fedos'ia // Ezhegodnik istoriko-antropologicheskikh issledovanii. 2008. Vyp. 5 / Pod red. V.M. Koz'menko, V.V. Kerova, M.F. Rumiantsevoi. M., 2008. S. 23–38.
3. Griaznov A.L. Svetskie akty kontsa XIV – nachala XV v. iz arkhiva Kirillo-Belozerskogo monastyria // 1941–1945: Uroki voiny – uroki pravdy, muzhestva i patriotizma: Materialy mezhregional'noi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii 24–25 fevralia 2005 g. Vologda, 2006. S. 216–228
4. Kopanev A.I. Istoriia zemlevladeniia Belozerskogo kraia XV–XVI vv. M.; L., 1951.
5. Kuz'min A.V. Boiarstvo Rostovskoi zemli kontsa XII–nachala XV veka. // Istoriia i kul'tura Rostovskoi zemli. 2001. Rostov. 2002. S. 69–71.
6. Kuchkin V.A. Dukhovnye gramoty moskovskogo velikogo kniazia Ivana Ivanovicha Krasnogo // Srednevekovaia Rus'. Vyp. 5. M., 2004. S. 191–281.
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